- Are wary of American arrogance and hypocrisy.
- Trace much of today's anti-American hatred to previous US foreign policies.
- Believe political solutions are inherently superior to military solutions.
- Believe the US is morally bound to intervene in humanitarian crises.
- Oppose American imperialism.
- Support international law, alliances, and agreements.
- Encourage US participation in the UN.
- Believe US economic policies must help lift up the world's poor.
Historical liberal: President Woodrow Wilson
Modern liberal: President Jimmy Carter
36.8107 % of 25805 Quiz participants had this profile!
You could also get this result:
For 28 % you are: You are a Centrist. You vote according the problems the world is currently facing. You would vote democrat or republican.
- Are guided more by practical considerations than ideological vision.
- Believe US power is crucial to successful diplomacy - and vice versa.
- Don't want US policy options unduly limited by world opinion or ethical considerations.
- Believe strong alliances are important to US interests.
- Weigh the political costs of foreign action
- Believe foreign intervention must be dictated by compelling national interest.
Historical Centrist: President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Modern Centrist: Secretary of State Colin Powell
Or even this one:
For 4 % you are: You are a red hearted Conservative. You'd die before you'd vote for a Democrat.
- Want the US to be the world's unchallenged superpower.
- Share unwavering support for Israel.
- Support American unilateral action.
- Support preemptive strikes to remove perceived threats to US security.
- Promote the development of an American empire.
- Equate American power with the potential for world peace.
- Seek to democratize the Arab world.
- Push regime change in states deemed threats to the US or its allies.
Historical neoconservative: President Teddy Roosevelt
Modern neoconservative: President Ronald Reagan
Take this quiz: Are you a Liberal, Conservative, or Centrist?
Durante la mia permanenza negli Stati Uniti ho imparato molto sul sistema politico statunitense e ho discusso parecchio sul sistema duale che vede la contrapposizione tra democratici/liberali e repubblicani/conservatori, ma, per non mettere troppa carne al fuoco, rimando le mie riflessioni sul tema ad un prossimo post.
Per ora invito anche voi a fare il test, vedere il risultato e magari rifletterci, chissà che non trarrete le mie stesse conclusioni. Se, una volta fatto il test, volete saperne qualcosa in più sulla differenza tra prospettiva democratica e repubblicana, vi consiglio di consultare il seguente link, che è davvero interessante e, a mio parere, ben fatto.
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